Growing a Shakespearean Herb Garden

Herbs have been prized through the centuries for their many uses from medicinal to culinary. Tribal peoples and healers learned of their medicinal purposes and passed their secrets on generation to generation. Even today, many modern medicines have a herbal basis. Today, herbs remain popular for use in aromatherapy, natural cosmetics and remedies as well

The History of Garlic: Nature’s Ancient Superfood

For the last 4000 years of human history, Garlic, also known as Allium sativum, has been both cherished and reviled, both sought for its healing powers and shunned for its pungent after effects. From miracle drug to vampire repellent to offering for the gods, this unassuming plant has had an undeniably important place in many

Recess Cuts: A Growing Trend in the United States

People have often debated how they use the time of children for best. Should children work? Should children study? Should children play? In developed countries, the consensus is that children should study and play. However, the most beneficial ratio of time spent playing to time spent studying is still hotly debated. In recent years, as

Liposuction: Facts and Myths

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, liposuction is now the most popular form of cosmetic surgery in the U.S. Almost 4000,000 people undergo the procedure every year, with the percentage of men increasing considerably. How Does it Work? The doctor removes fat from under the skin using one of two available techniques.

How to Master the Literature GRE

When I was preparing to apply for graduate school, I took a practice Literature GRE and was appalled by my low score. I was determined to excel on the test, and by the time I made the real thing, I had raised my rating from the 40th percentile to the 89th! I accomplished this feat

Acai- the New Super-fruit

Are you looking for more vitamins and minerals in your diet? Then drinking acai juice every day is your answer. The acai berry, a little blackberry similar to a grape grown primarily in Brazil, is used in energy drinks and protein bars and is now sold in a powder extract as a vitamin supplement. This berry

College Cooking on a Cheap Budget

So you’re a college student, and you’ve got to eat cheap, right? I guess that kind of goes without saying. Here are some ideas to help you eat on a tight budget but still eat as healthy as possible. Think Ahead Make a list every week. What foods and other ingredients do you need for

The Freshmen Ten 101: Keep your Body Rockin’ Your First Year in College

You learn many essential survival lessons as a college freshman. For example, the super-sized wart on your toe (you know, the one right beside your yellowed flaky toenail) is a clear indication to you that shower shoes are not an option, they are a necessity. However, you soon realise that showering is optional, especially when

Water Mills: Tapping the Power of Rivers, Streams, and Tidal Basins

The quest for clean, renewable energy has resulted in some exciting technologies. They are testing one of the newest; it’s called Instream Energy Generation Technology or free flow hydropower. It’s a technology that promises to tap energy wherever there is a river, stream, canal, or any place where water flows. What is Instream Energy Generation Technology?

Tankless Water Heaters: Modern Technology to the Rescue

“Ten-minute showers, guys,” I said. “I’m getting Hallmark cards from the gas company.” My teenagers grumbled as I laid down the rules for the hundredth time. Between my kid’s camping in the shower and my furnace (even though it is an efficient 90% model), my propane bills were going through the roof. Then I installed